Real Time Monitoring of STPs Bring Wonders!
Boosts Water Re-Use and Saves Water Cost
The dwindling fresh water resources and spurt in demand makes water costs on steady rise. The question of water quality flows up with dependence on the water served on site from the sources unconfirmed.
This makes maximizing the reuse of available water in focus more than ever. RMZ Millennia phase2, a business park in Chennai has an amazing story of optimization of water usage, helped by the unique and patented Real Time Monitoring (RTM) system installed by Greenvironmentindia.

[IoT based proprietary hardware]
- Water Quality
- Water Quantity
- Energy Consumption
- Level Monitoring
- Timer based Automation
The IoT (Internet of Things) based RTM monitors the total water management including tanker water monitoring, treatment, recycle and reuse. With each biological and chemical parameters are monitored on real time basis, optimal water quality, water safety and water usage are ensured at RMZ Millennia phase 2.
Saving of water cost upto Rs 28.35 Lakhs per annum (300 days), is the highlight of the system. Prior to installation of RTM, the freshwater consumption in the complex having a floor area of 40,535 sq.ft was 420 Kiloliters (KL) per day, which is now reduced to 320 KL a day.
The phenomenal achievement is the informed reuse of water, for the purposes such as flushing, gardening and paved floor cleaning. Half of the water need for toilet flushing and the entire paved area cleaning requirement are now met out with the recycled water.
It has also reduced the cost on skilled manpower required for monitoring water utilities.
It has resulted in a sea change in the concept of water reuse. “The RTM-produced real time data on purity of recycled water, has helped to melt the hesitancy in reuse,”, says C. Sathish Kumar, the technical expert of Greenvironmentindia in Chennai.
Now Greenvironmentindia, is looking towards further increasing water quality and thus reusability of recycled water, through advance treatment, through UF/RO process, which would bring in more savings on water costs in complexes like RMZ Millennia phase 2.
Tailpiece: Recycled water meet 40% of Singapore’s total daily water demand. Many times, it is reported that the quality of such recycled water even exceeds the FAO’s safety standards for water!