Baby Memorial Hospital (BMH), the 600-bedded pioneer in the health care sector in northern Kerala now has a unique story to tell of successfully addressing escalating water demand, reducing water spend and the challenge of safe disposal of hospital wastewater.
The daily water consumption of BMH in 2016 was 750 kilo litres per day (KLD). As in the case of any other multi-specialty hospital, BMH required water in huge quantity for diverse usages. The requirements ranged from drinking, hand-washing, food preparation, flushing toilets, laundry, cleaning, sterilization of surgical instruments, reprocessing of medical equipment, patient care, fire suppression, landscaping and gardening etc.

Apparently, the hospital used to generate wastewater in large quantities. Because hospital wastewater contains toxic, non-biodegradable, infectious pollutants and biologically active substances, which are harmful for human beings, aquatic life and environment. Therefore, BMH had to install a Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) wastewater recycling, which is also mandatory for hospitals.
Although the recycled outlet water from STP is widely used for toilet flushing and gardening, the actual usage of recycled water was very much limited in BMH due to the concerns over the consistency in quality. On the other side, the requirement of water for non-potable purposes was also on the rise. There were suspicions about the efficacy of the wastewater recycling plants and process as well.
RTM helped BMH to cut down water consumption by 99KLD
Because, to ensure safe usage of recycled water, the quality should be maintained within the permissible limits always and any discrepancy in the quality needs to be alerted to the STP operators to take corrective action. BMH introduced Greenvironmentindia’s RTM in 2016, towards ensuring the efficacy of the STP and for effective reuse of the recycled water.
Along with RTM, an automatic Chlorine dosing system was also installed, which helped in maintaining the treated water quality fit for reuse. With the improvement in the quality of treated / recycled water through corrective measures enabled by RTM, BMH gained the confidence to reuse their STP treated water for multiple purposes such as toilet flushing and gardening, This helped them reduce their water footprint and dependency on fresh water

In fact, the estimated water requirement for a 600 bed hospital, as per the norms of the Bureau of Indian standards was 450 KLDs. But BMH’s actual fresh water consumption was 750 KLD, which is 300 KLDs more. With the introduction of RTM, there was 33% reduction in the consumption over a span of four years. The total water consumption of the hospital was reduced by 99 KLDs as many purposes were now met out with recycled water.
For related story click on the link: https://greenvironmentindia.com/blogs/wastewater-worries-of-hospitals/
RTM with automated Chlorine disinfection: Safeguard against SARS-CoV-2 virus

For more information please click on the link: https://greenvironmentindia.com/blogs/we-help-you-be-on-the-safer-side/