Why Greenvironment?

Water, energy & environmental infrastructure in buildings & businesses are dynamic systems that require adjustments to be made on the fly for smooth running, and for this access to real time data is absolutely essential. We have developed our Real-Time Monitoring (RTM) solutions to address these environmental problems.

Smart Environmental Solutions

Digitalisation of Water, Energy and Environmental Infrastructure using IoT & AI

Water Management

Fresh Water Management From source to consumption of water resources using real-time smart sensors, digital twin simulation of the assets, historical performance data and machine learning/AI.

Energy Management

Smart system that collect energy measurement data from the field and making it available to users through digital twins for simulation of the energy usage by assets with real-time sensor updates, historical performance data, machine learning/AI with online monitoring tools, and energy quality analysers

Air Quality Management

When we think of air pollution, we usually think of poor outdoor air quality, But indoor air pollution is actually worse – sometimes as much as five times higher – than outdoor. As we spend around 90% of our lives indoors, bad indoor air quality can significantly impact our health Which is why good indoor air quality monitoring is so important

Heating & Cooling Systems Management

To help maintain good indoor air quality through adequate ventilation with filtration and provide thermal comfort. To produce thermal energy and transfer it to air throughout the facility smart HVAC systems are required with levels with real-time sensor updates, historical performance data, machine learning/AI

Environmental Compliance (ESG) Management

ESG is everywhere you look these days. What does ESG mean, and why does it matter? When we talk about ESG, we mean how a company is managed, invested, and run to a set of governance, social, and environmental criteria. Every company today is striving to be leaders in Environment dimension and we help achieve this.

Sustainability / Green Building Management

Today, the bar for “green” is rising among most of companies and funds. Sustainably designed buildings strive to make their impact on the environment through energy and resource efficiency which minimizes non-renewable resource consumption, enhances the natural environment and eliminates or minimizes the use of toxic materials

Our clients are today the leaders in environmental dimensions

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